Participating in sports? You have to keep this one thing in mind.

A couple weeks back I was having a conversation with a client when the topic of sports came up.  This client was talking to me about some of the moves her sport was requiring and how she was finding it difficult to do the moves.  While we discussed the role that Muscle Activation Techniques® (MAT®) and personal training at Muscle Activation Schaumburg can play in helping her achieve her goals, we also had to discuss some of the realities that her anatomy may be applying to the situation, as well.  The great thing about this discussion is that it is applicable to everybody who plays sports, not just her. So, if you participate in sports, take heed. This post is for you.


The Three Most Common Bad Exercise Habits I See

If you want to improve your health, function, and fitness, creating more margin for your muscular system is a must-do.  Last week, I discussed three ways that you can go about doing exactly this. But, there’s another way, as well, and that is to cut out the bad habits that are breaking down your muscular system.  Specifically, you need to cut out the bad exercise habits that are detrimental to the health, function, and fitness of your muscular system.  Here are the three most common ones I see:


Exercise Tips If You Are Sore

Welcome back to this week’s edition of 2-Minute Tuesdays where we are talking about one exercise topic for two minutes and giving you three reasons why you should follow our advice.  Now this week we are talking to those of you who are experiencing some post-workout soreness. How can you still exercise and what things should you keep in mind if you are feeling sore from your last workout?


Injury Risk – Three things you can do to decrease this

When the topic of “how to decrease injury” is discussed, oftentimes ideas such as stretching, joint mobility, and core training come up.  While these are all fine and well, an idea this is often not thrown around is that of improving how well your muscles function.  However, improving this aspect of your health could be the missing link that you have been looking for to help you prevent injuries.

Before we talk about how improving muscle function could reduce your risk for injury, we have to answer a few other questions.  First, we need to identify what muscles actually do.  Second, we need to discuss how they do that thing they do.  Third, we need to talk about how doing that thing will actually help you reduce your risk for injury.  And finally, we need to leave you with some practical application steps of things you can do to start taking action now.


The Most Commonly Skipped Form of Exercise

When you think of exercise, what is the first thought that comes to mind?  It may be a specific activity, such as running or lifting weights.  It may be a physical feeling, like fatigue, soreness, or strength.  It may be a goal, such as weight loss or completing a marathon.  It may be an emotion, such as excitement, happiness, or possibly dread.  But, when you think of exercise, is the first thing you think of “health”?  Likely not, and unfortunately this disconnect between exercise being an activity you do for the sake of the activity instead of something you do for your health is contributing to you skipping a vital form of exercise.


Pro Athletes – What’s the biggest difference between them and you?

At Muscle Activation Schaumburg, we see a wide variety of clients for Muscle Activation Techniques® (MAT®).  We see clients who are younger and older, clients who are more physically fit and those who are not, and clients who are highly athletic as well as those whose athleticism may be lacking.  But, despite this variety, there is a consistency that we see regarding the differences between our clients who are professional athletes and those who are not.


Looking to optimize your health and function? MAT® may be the answer.

At Muscle Activation Schaumburg, we generally have three categories of clients that come to see us for Muscle Activation Techniques® (MAT®).  The first category we call progressors.  These are people who have a health, function, or fitness goal that they are trying to reach and we help progress their body to being able to do so.  The second category is called the maintainers.  These clients are happy with their current health, function, and fitness and just want to maintain where they are at.  They may come in less frequently than the progressor group (every 4-6 weeks) but are very consistent with their muscle system tune-ups.
