Is Compensation Actually Bad?

When you hear the word compensation, what do you usually think of?  Is it a word to describe something positive or negative?  Something normal or abnormal?  Something done out of abundance or inadequacy?  As a personal trainer in Schaumburg, this is often a topic of discussion.

A quick Google search brings up two prominent definitions for compensation:

  1. The money provided to an employee for their work, or to a party due to loss, injury or suffering.
  2. Something that counterbalances or makes up for an undesirable or unwelcome state of affairs.

As it relates to exercise and movement, the second definition above is typically how compensation is used.  Compensation usually labels a movement that is done in a manner outside of the parameters that we find to be “normal,” “correct,” or “appropriate.”  Essentially, we use this to describe a movement that is not “perfect.”

I want to challenge you to start thinking about compensation as a description of all movement.



Do You Have “Golfer’s Foot”?

Over the past month, I have been taking golf lessons every couple weeks.  One thing I quickly learned was how much movement has to occur through the feet in order to efficiently perform a golf swing.  As a personal trainer and Muscle Activation Techniques™ specialist in Schaumburg, I often consult with golfers who are having knee, hip, and back issues.  Rarely, however, do I consult with golfers who are complaining of foot issues.  This leads me to believe that (a) their feet are actually fine and their issues are elsewhere, or (b) they have a significant case of “golfer’s foot” and their discomforts are being caused by foot issues.

**“Golfer’s foot” is not a real diagnosis by medical standards.  In fact, it is a term that I just made up.  Since I am in no way licensed to make medical diagnoses, I am simply using this made up term to highlight a point.**



Don’t Confuse General Physical Activity With Specific Exercise

As a personal trainer in Schaumburg, I am often asking my clients what they did for exercise or physical activity since I last saw them.

“I played a round of golf over the weekend.”

“I went for a 45-minute walk yesterday.”

“I chased my grandkid all over the house.”

These activities can certainly be challenging, but what is the one thing they all lack?  Specificity.



Squatting For Bigger Arms? Think Again.

“Why are we squatting?  I want bigger arms.”

“Well, if you do heavy lifts for your legs, you will produce a greater base of anabolic hormones to work off of later and that will allow you to build bigger arms.”

As a personal trainer in Schaumburg, I swear I have had this conversation with almost all of my male clients at some point in time.  Unfortunately, the advice I gave is dead wrong.  Check out why in my review of literature for this study!



Your Check Engine Light

As a personal trainer and MAT™ Specialist in Schaumburg, I am often telling people that they need to get their body tuned up with Muscle Activation Techniques™.  Why?  Because much like our cars need to get tuned up so they keep running well, our bodies need the same attention.  And just like our car’s check engine light that will illuminate when something is off, our body has a check engine light as well – pain, fatigue, exhaustion, achy muscles, sore joints, etc.

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Fitness – We Have Been Taught To Focus On The Wrong Thing

As a personal trainer in Schaumburg, I am seeing that the fitness field today is all about what’s HOT, NEW, and TRENDY.  This stuff is attractive and appealing to the masses.  The good news is it is getting people into exercise.  However, did you know that there are actually scientific principles behind exercise that almost no developer behind HOT, NEW, and TRENDY fitness paths seem to consider?

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Group Fitness and Personal Training

Both group fitness and personal training are great things, right?  But have you considered how different they are?


Growing up I was a dancer.  In fact, my dance company competed a lot at competitions with other dance companies.  What I loved about dance was not learning the technique, or learning the steps, or memorizing the choreography.  I loved performing on stage.

And you know what?  I won.  All. The. Time.  Best facial expressions.  Best costume.  Best role playing.  All this, and I still often forgot the ‘real’ dance stuff.  I was awful at choreography, memorization, and technique.  BUT, I could perform.  And that ALWAYS stole the judges’ hearts. (more…)