At Muscle Activation Schaumburg, we believe that your health is your most valuable asset. Your health is the only thing that can influence both the quantity and quality of time that you have. Improving your health not only improves your longevity, but also increases your productivity, energy levels, and happiness, among many other variables that influence your quality of life.
There are many aspects of health, and, at Muscle Activation Schaumburg, our expertise is exercise. Exercise has been proven time and again to improve your overall health, increasing the quality and quantity of time that you have. But here’s the thing – the appropriateness of the exercise directly relates to the effectiveness of it. And that’s where the magic of Personal Training and Muscle Activation Techniques® at MAS lives.
By combining advanced assessment and training techniques with an in-depth understanding of the many systems within your body that exercise affects, we are able to create a completely customized exercise experience for your body’s needs and abilities. Our attention to detail during every moment of your session allows us to ensure that you are able to exercise for life, forever protecting your most valuable asset.
We are certified in the highest levels of Muscle Activation Techniques®, including MATRx, MATRx Stim, and MAT® Athlete.