Your Bunions and Your Muscles – What You Need To Know

Ladies, look down at your feet for a second. What do you see? If you have a bunion–or the start of a bunion–you have something going on with your feet that surgery cannot fix. Sure, they can shave the bone down, pin your toe, and maybe realign the bones of your feet to make everything look pretty. But the underlying problem that led to the bunion in the first place is not going to be Read more…

E346 – What To Do If You Can’t Feel Your Muscles Squeezing

Get Started With Muscle Activation Techniques® To Keep Your Muscles Strong & Functioning Well: Do you have difficulty feeling your muscles squeeze when you workout? If you have listened to our podcast at all, you likely have heard us talk about our four Exercise For Life Principles, the last of which is to focus on squeezing your muscles when you exercise. But what if you aren’t able to do this? What if, when you try Read more…

E345 – A Little-Known Reason Why Your Body Is Feeling Older

Get Started With Muscle Activation Techniques® To Keep Your Muscles Strong & Functioning Well: Do you ever wake up in the morning feeling like your body has gotten noticeably older? Maybe you have some aches and pains that weren’t always there. Or maybe your strength and fitness feel like they are on the decline. Or perhaps tasks that once felt simple now feel taxing. While most people want to chalk this up to old age Read more…

Top Strength Training Mistakes Basketball Players Make – Part 1

Let’s get this straight from the get go… Your strength training work should be directly enhancing your ability to perform, should be decreasing the time you need to recover, and should be building your resiliency to injuries and stress during your practices and games. Anything else that it is trying to do, from a basketball perspective, is quite frankly a waste of time and energy. Unfortunately, I see too many players being misled about their Read more…

How to Strengthen Weak Ankles – Muscle Activation Techniques®

Do you have weak ankles? Do your ankles give out or roll often? Have you sprained one or both of your ankles multiple times? Do your calves, shin muscles, and arches often feel tight or sore? If so, you have likely been told that you have ankle weakness and then given a handful of exercises to do, such as writing the alphabet with your foot, balancing on one leg, ant tib raises, and calf raises. Read more…

E344 – What Is Muscle Activation Techniques®?

Get Started With Muscle Activation Techniques® To Keep Your Muscles Strong & Functioning Well: Have you ever heard us talk about Muscle Activation Techniques®, or MAT®, but aren’t quite sure what it is?  Recently, Charlie had the opportunity to talk with Nat Niddam on the Biohacking Superhuman Performance Podcast to discuss this exact question. This conversation covers a variety of topics, including what makes MAT® so different, who MAT® is great for, and what Read more…

How To Avoid The #1 Mistake When Doing Glute Exercises

Butt-focused programs are super popular for both women and men. While the programs targeted towards women are often more focused on aesthetics, the programs targeted towards men are often about performance. But regardless of which butt program you do or glute goal you have, there is one giant mistake we see happening across the board when doing exercises to strengthen, build, firm up, and activate the glutes. Unfortunately, not only is this mistake costing many Read more…

Ladies – What You Need To Do For Stronger Bones

Building stronger bones is the number one reason I hear why my female clients who are over the age of 50 exercise. As much as we think exercise is all about losing weight and aesthetics, many women are realizing how important it is for longevity and quality of life, and wrapped up in that is the strength of their bones. But, as much as Google tries to be helpful with guiding us all on what Read more…

E343 – How To Optimize Your Bone & Muscle Health After 40

Get Started With Muscle Activation Techniques® To Keep Your Muscles Strong & Functioning Well: How can you make sure your muscles and bones remain strong after the age of 40 without risking injury? While there are many methodologies promoted by the mainstream fitness industry, most of them completely miss the boat on a few critical steps that need to be in place to make sure your workouts are both effective and sustainable. On this Read more…

Basketball Players – The Big 4 For Your Body

In my experience, the four biggest areas of concern for a basketball player’s body are: 1. The feet and ankles 2. The knees 3. The hips 4. The core and low back These are the areas I have seen time and again get sore, tweaked, and injured the most. These are the areas I hear about time after time from players. These are the areas that I have seen have the biggest impact on players’ Read more…