Basketball Players–your muscles need to be contracting better.
There’s no ifs, ands, or buts about it.
Here’s a short list:
– Your joints get to be healthier
– Your joints (and their associated ligaments, discs, and cartilage) get to be safer and better protected from injury
– Your joints get to move better
Basically, if you want your joints to be healthy, you need your muscles contracting well. The better your muscles contract, the better off your joints are. It’s that simple.
The year-round stress of basketball takes a toll on your body. You know very well there’s no such thing as an “off-season”. Sure, certain times of year may be a little more relaxed, but you are still working.
And if even there was a time you took off, in a blink of an eye you are right back at it again.
The stress and pounding on your feet, ankles, knees, hips, and back adds up; not just over the course of a season, but over your entire career.
Workouts that used to be easy to recover from in high school feel like they never leave your body in your 20s and 30s.
Why?? Because your muscles aren’t contracting as well as they once did.
Your strength may be up. Your speed and athleticism may still be there. But the cumulative stress on your muscles over the years takes it toll and they start to not work as well as they used to.
Which means you are constantly feeling stiff and sore. And constantly at risk for injury.
So how can you combat this? What can you do to help your muscles contract better and help your joints stay mobile and protected?
Bar none, the best thing I have seen over the last 13 years of working professionally with clients is Muscle Activation Techniques®, also known as MAT®.
The MAT® process is specially designed to identify which of your muscles are not working as well as they should be and get them working better. Then, when you go into your workouts, practices, or games, your body is firing on all cylinders and ready to go.
Fortunately, at Muscle Activation Schaumburg, we have the highest-certified practitioners in the entire Chicagoland area, certified in the MATRx process, the MATRx stim process, and the brand-new MAT® Athlete process.
If you are in the Chicagoland area and want to make sure your body stays healthy and strong, Muscle Activation Techniques® is a must. We work with clients from all over the city and suburbs, including Schaumburg, Palatine, Inverness, Barrington, Arlington Heights, Chicago, Wheaton, Downers Grove, Burr Ridge, Highland Park, and Lake Forest.
If you would like to get started with the MAT® process with us, you can schedule your initial consultation and assessment by clicking here.
And, if you’d like to learn more about MAT®, you can download our 20-page report for free here.
Finally, if you are looking for things you can implement on your own to help you prevent injuries, recover faster, and optimize your performance, you will love my weekly PRO Hooper Newsletter.
You can get signed up for free by clicking here. You will also get my top three exercises to help prevent sprained ankles when you do!
Your muscles need to be contracting as well as they can for your joints to be safe and injury-free. Muscle Activation Techniques® is the most effective process at helping you do just that.