This month on Trainer Tip Tuesday we will be discussing considerations when you are using the hip abduction machine. The hip abduction machine can be one of the most effective ways to improve the strength and mobility of your hips, but only if you are using the machine correctly.
One thing that is often overlooked when doing hip abduction is the foot placement that is used during the exercise. Especially with machines that have multiple foot placement options, understanding which option to use and why will have a huge impact on the effect of the exercise on your hip muscles.
Some foot positions will cause the hips to be more flexed, while others will cause the hips to be more extended. This can put a different emphasis on the muscles used during this exercise, and as such needs to be a strong consideration for how you are going to do the exercise to match your body.
Check out all of the details in this week’s episode of Trainer Tip Tuesday, and be sure to tune back in next week as we discuss more considerations when using the hip abduction machine.