What should you know before you start working out?

When it comes to working out, there are a lot of misconceptions about how to get started and what to do.  As a personal trainer in Schaumburg, many of my daily conversations revolve around clearing up a lot of this misinformation with clients and on various online forums.  If you are going to start working out on a regular basis, there are three things you need to keep in mind before you begin exercising.  Each of these points goes against what is commonly thought to be the more important aspects of exercising, but, like I said, dispelling exercise and fitness myths is part of my job.

Three things to keep in mind for when you start working out:

1.Exercise should be used to build your body, not break it down. (more…)

How often should you have a day off from working out?

You know you should be exercising, but how often should you take a day off from your workouts?  As a personal trainer in Schaumburg, this question comes up often with my clients.

As with most things health and fitness related, the only truthful answer is, “it depends”.  How often you take a day off from working out in part depends on:

  • What you are doing while you are at the gym
  • What your body is currently accustomed to
  • What your body is physically able to tolerate
  • How well you are recovering from your workouts (i.e. do you feel sore and lethargic or energized and strong in the hours and days following your workout?)
  • What your goals are (health vs. performance vs. changing body composition)
  • What the timeline is for your goals
