Brain Health – The Importance of Exercise

It is common knowledge that exercise is necessary for a healthy body, but what about for a healthy brain?  While we would love for our skeletal muscles, joints, and heart to stay strong and functioning well as we age, making sure our brain stays sharp is of the utmost importance, too.  Can exercise help us maintain or even improve our cognitive function as we battle Father Time?  And, if so, what do various studies suggest in terms of the type of exercise to do as well as the frequency, intensity, and duration?

As a personal trainer and Muscle Activation Techniques® practitioner in Schaumburg, IL, using exercise to help my clients stay physically healthy as they age is a fundamental aspect of my business.  I am well-aware of the potency of appropriate exercise when it comes to battling chronic illnesses and improving physical function and quality of life.  However, I was not well-versed in the impact that exercise can have on cognitive function.

It is not uncommon for clients to report that they feel mentally “sharper” after beginning to exercise on a regular basis.  But what does the literature have to say about this?  Is there information to validate these seemingly subjective claims?

Fortunately for all of us, the answer is yes.  Exercise does appear to have both a positive impact on performance during cognitive tasks as well as on the physical structure of the brain itself, as determined by functional MRI.  And there is a mounting pile of research to back it up.

What is even more interesting–at least to me–is that not only are these changes in cognitive function dependent on the types of activity that are done, but the positive brain impacts are dependent on the frequency, duration, and intensity of the exercise, as well.


On a time budget? Exercise with these three tips.

Welcome back to this week’s edition of 2-Minute Tuesdays where we are talking about one exercise topic for two minutes and giving you three reasons why you should follow our advice.  Now this week, we’re talking to those of you who are on a time budget.  Those of you who want to exercise, who need to exercise, but your schedule is super restricted.  How can you still fit exercise in with a limited time budget?



Hip Ab/Adduction Machine – 3 Reasons You Need To Be Using This

Welcome back to this week’s edition of 2-MInute Tuesdays where we are talking about one exercise topic for two minutes and giving you three reasons why you should follow our advice.  Now this week, we are talking about a specific machine.  In fact, this machine is usually just thought of as “the ladies’ machine”.  But, we need to explain to the fellas why you need to be using it as well.

The machine we are talking about is the hip abduction and adduction machine.  That is the machine where you sit down and you push your legs out or you sit down and you push your legs together.


Soreness With Exercise – 3 Considerations When Feeling Sore

Welcome back to this week’s edition of 2-Minute Tuesdays where we are talking about one exercise topic for two minutes and giving you three reasons why you should follow our advice.  Now this week, we are talking to those of you who love working out to the point where you are sore.  You wake up the next day and you feel achy and you love that feeling.  Why should you work out not to the point of soreness?


Resistance Training – 3 Life Benefits From Doing It Consistently

Welcome back to this week’s edition of 2-Minute Tuesdays where we are talking about one exercise topic for two minutes and giving you three reasons why you should follow our advice.  Now, this week we are talking to those of you who are interested in resistance training but are not sure how it might impact your life.  What are some of the awesome benefits that you can see from resistance training if you start doing it on a consistent basis?



Focus At The Gym – 3 Tips To Improve Your Exercise Efficiency

Welcome back to this week’s edition of 2-Minute Tuesdays where we are talking about one exercise topic for two minutes and giving you three reasons why you should follow our advice.  This week we are talking to those of you who seem to get distracted at the gym.  You go there, you have a goal, but all you seem to be doing is just dilly-dallying around.  How can you improve your focus at the gym so you are there, you get your workout done, and you get out of there.


Maximize Your HIIT With These 3 Tips

Welcome back to this week’s edition of 2-Minute Tuesdays where we are bringing you one exercise topic, talking about it for two minutes, and giving you three reasons why you should follow our advice. Now, this week we are talking to those of you who love HIIT – High-Intensity Interval Training. What things do you have to keep in mind if you are going to exercise in this manner?


What should you know before you start working out?

When it comes to working out, there are a lot of misconceptions about how to get started and what to do.  As a personal trainer in Schaumburg, many of my daily conversations revolve around clearing up a lot of this misinformation with clients and on various online forums.  If you are going to start working out on a regular basis, there are three things you need to keep in mind before you begin exercising.  Each of these points goes against what is commonly thought to be the more important aspects of exercising, but, like I said, dispelling exercise and fitness myths is part of my job.

Three things to keep in mind for when you start working out:

1.Exercise should be used to build your body, not break it down. (more…)

Love playing sports? Make sure you are still respecting your body!

Welcome back to this week’s edition of 2-Minute Tuesdays where we are bringing you one exercise topic, talking about it for two minutes, and giving you three reasons why you should follow our advice.  Now, this week we are talking to those of you who love playing sports.  That’s your workout.  That’s the only way you exercise.  Recreational basketball, flag football leagues, softball games — whatever it is, you workout through playing sports.  What things do you need to keep in mind to make sure you are respecting your body while you keep playing sports?
