How to work on your health without changing your lifestyle

The least appealing thing a personal trainer can say to you is that to be healthy you have to change your lifestyle.  Really, I should take that back.  This is only unappealing if you are not up for changing or ready for big changes.

Today I am writing to those people that are in this boat.  I am going to highlight 4 things you can do that are SO SIMPLE and will change your health for the better without completely inconveniencing yourself.


Exercise As A Lifestyle Stinks

Have you ever heard the saying “exercise is a lifestyle”?  I am pretty sure we all have heard it and we REALLY need to cut it out and stop saying it.  Let me tell you why.


Why do some people say this?  Because the true and best changes from exercise are seen with consistency and long-term efforts.

But, what does it sound like is being said?  Exercise must dominate your life.
