E212 – Do Your Tools Matter When Trying To Build Muscle?

This week on the Exercise Is Health podcast, Julie and Charlie dive into a common belief in the fitness industry, which is that what you use when you exercise (i.e. your tools) influences the results you get from your exercise, and in particular when it comes to building muscle. If you are wanting to build muscle, and especially if it is for health reasons, then listen up! Will the equipment you choose to use when Read more…

Where Should Your Arms Be When Doing Back Extensions?

This month on Trainer Tip Tuesday we will be discussing considerations when you are back extensions from the ground on another flat surface, such as a massage table. Back extensions can be one of the most effective ways to strengthen your low back muscles and improve your spinal mobility, but there are some key things you need to watch out for to make sure you are doing them correctly. One way aspect of this exercise Read more…

E211 – How To Stay Consistent With Exercise If Your Workouts Leave You Feeling Lousy

This week on the Exercise Is Health podcast, Julie and Charlie discuss two of the biggest troubles many people run into with their workouts: 1. Staying Consistent and 2. Feeling Lousy After. You are only able to get the health benefits of exercise if you are able to exercise in the first place, so how can you make sure you are able to keep up with your workouts if you are constantly feeling lousy after Read more…

How High Should You Lift When Doing Back Extensions?

This month on Trainer Tip Tuesday we will be discussing considerations when you are back extensions from the ground on another flat surface, such as a massage table. Back extensions can be one of the most effective ways to strengthen your low back muscles and improve your spinal mobility, but there are some key things you need to watch out for to make sure you are doing them correctly. One way to make this exercise Read more…

E210 – How To Stay Healthy With Your Workout Goals

This week on the Exercise Is Health podcast, Julie and Charlie discuss some things that are imperative to keep in mind if you want to make sure your health stays intact as you pursue different workout goals. So often we can lose sight of how our health is doing when we get motivated to accomplish certain goals like losing weight or running our first 5K. However, the only way the achievement of these goals becomes Read more…

Where To Start Your Back Extensions

This month on Trainer Tip Tuesday we will be discussing considerations when you are back extensions from the ground on another flat surface, such as a massage table. Back extensions can be one of the most effective ways to strengthen your low back muscles and improve your spinal mobility, but there are some key things you need to watch out for to make sure you are doing them correctly. It is often thought that, when Read more…

E209 – Pursuing An Exercise Plan To Promote Your Health

This week on the Exercise Is Health podcast, Julie and Charlie discuss some key things to keep in mind as you look to build your health in the New Year. Too often the activities that are supposed to be health-promoting end up being detrimental to our health, leaving us in worse shape than we started. Avoid this trap by doing some specific things with your actions and mindset in 2022 and beyond. Check out the Read more…

What To Focus On When Doing Hip Abduction

This month on Trainer Tip Tuesday we will be discussing considerations when you are using the hip abduction machine. The hip abduction machine can be one of the most effective ways to improve the strength and mobility of your hips, but only if you are using the machine correctly. One thing that is rarely considered when doing hip abduction is what your mind should be focused on. Too often the idea of moving the weight Read more…

E208 – Why Form Doesn’t Matter

This week on the Exercise Is Health podcast, Julie and Charlie take on one of the biggest misconceptions of the fitness industry – that form is important to care about when exercising – and explain why it doesn’t matter at all. If you are all about focusing on your form when you workout and making sure you are doing exercises correctly, listen up! You may be creating some serious issues for yourself that you are Read more…

Where Are Your Feet Placed During Hip Abduction?

This month on Trainer Tip Tuesday we will be discussing considerations when you are using the hip abduction machine. The hip abduction machine can be one of the most effective ways to improve the strength and mobility of your hips, but only if you are using the machine correctly. One thing that is often overlooked when doing hip abduction is the foot placement that is used during the exercise. Especially with machines that have multiple Read more…