E237 – Is A Weak Back Keeping You From Exercising?

Is a weak back keeping you from exercising? Does your core feel like it is one wrong move away from getting injured? Does your low back tighten up whenever you try to exert yourself? What can be done about this?? Back issues are one of the most common complaints that people face, and weak back muscles can be a huge contributor. But what can you do for your workouts if you feel like you are Read more…

How Fast Should You Move When Doing Seated Twists?

This month on Trainer Tip Tuesday we will be discussing considerations when you are doing seated trunk twists. Seated trunk twists, also called Russian twists, are a very popular exercise, especially when trying to strengthen, tone, and build your core muscles. However, there are a number of things you need to keep in mind to make sure this exercise is done safely and effectively for your body. Seated trunk twists are one of the most Read more…

E236 – The Problem With Competing With Yourself

Do you compete with yourself when you workout? The mainstream fitness industry is putting out more and more exercise options focused on “you verses you”, meaning you are focused on trying to “best yourself” from a previous workout. But what issues are being created with this? Is this approach to exercise safe and beneficial for your health? Or is it actually setting you up for a number of potential complications both in the short term Read more…

How To Check Your Range Of Motion When Doing Seated Trunk Twists

This month on Trainer Tip Tuesday we will be discussing considerations when you are doing seated trunk twists. Seated trunk twists, also called Russian twists, are a very popular exercise, especially when trying to strengthen, tone, and build your core muscles. However, there are a number of things you need to keep in mind to make sure this exercise is done safely and effectively for your body. Seated trunk twists are one of the most Read more…

E235 – Does Lifting Heavy Weights Damage Your Joints?

Will lifting heavy weights damage your joints? What if your joints are already compromised? Will it make things worse? These are questions and concerns that a number of people have when it comes to exercising and lifting weights, but they don’t have to stop you from getting the benefits of strength training. On this week’s episode of the Exercise Is Health® podcast, Julie and Charlie explore these questions and dive into why lifting weights can Read more…

What To Think About When You Are Doing Squats

This month on Trainer Tip Tuesday we will be discussing considerations when you are doing the squats. Squats are an extremely popular exercise, especially when trying to strengthen, tone, and build butt muscles and leg muscles. However, there are a number of things you need to keep in mind to make sure this exercise is done safely and effectively for your body. Squats are one of the most common exercises you will find. Whether they Read more…

E234 – Injuries Holding You Back From Exercising?

Are injuries keeping you from exercising consistently? One of the biggest reasons we hear as to why people have stopped exercising is because they suffered an injury during a workout or doing something else. While you always need to be mindful of your body’s healing process, having an injury is not necessarily a fast-pass to not exercising. In fact, oftentimes you can still exercise consistently as long as you keep in mind a few specific Read more…

How Far Down Should You Go When You Squat?

This month on Trainer Tip Tuesday we will be discussing considerations when you are doing the squats. Squats are an extremely popular exercise, especially when trying to strengthen, tone, and build butt muscles and leg muscles. However, there are a number of things you need to keep in mind to make sure this exercise is done safely and effectively for your body. Squats are one of the most common exercises you will find. Whether they Read more…

E233 – The Importance Of Taking Your MEDS – Interview With Dr. Jody Stanislaw

Taking your MEDS is one of the most important things you can do for your health and wellbeing. While the idea of taking medication may not be appealing to you, taking your MEDS is an abosolute necessity to live a long, healthy life. But what does it mean to take your MEDS? And why does it not have anything to do with pharmaceuticals? On this week’s episode of the Exercise Is Health® podcast, Julie and Read more…

Should You Do Wide Squats Or Narrow Squats?

This month on Trainer Tip Tuesday we will be discussing considerations when you are doing the squats. Squats are an extremely popular exercise, especially when trying to strengthen, tone, and build butt muscles and leg muscles. However, there are a number of things you need to keep in mind to make sure this exercise is done safely and effectively for your body. Squats are one of the most common exercises you will find. Whether they Read more…