E295 – Is 20 Minutes Long Enough To Get A Good Workout?

How long do you need to workout for it to qualify as a “good workout”? 45 minutes? 60 minutes? Longer? What about 20 minutes?… Oftentimes, when people think about exercising for 20 minutes, they either disregard it as an option because “it’s not long enough to get a good workout”… Or they try to make up for the shorter duration by cranking the intensity WAY up. But – does it have to be this way? Read more…

Five Ways To Make Sure Your Workouts Are Progressing Your Health

Are your workouts progressing your health? Most times, progress is measured by external things – how much weight you are able to lift, how many reps you are able to do, how long you can do something before you get tired, what the scale says… But the truth is that none of these measurements are actually indicative of your health. NEW: Get Stronger From Home. Click Here To Start For Free Today. So how do Read more…

3 Ways MAT® Can Help You Hold Onto Your Youth

Are you feeling like you want to hold onto this moment as long as you can? How your body feels… your energy levels… your mental sharpness… your strength and mobility… One thing we have seen with many new clients at Muscle Activation Schaumburg is a subtle fear of not wanting to go downhill. NEW: GET STRONGER FROM HOME. START FOR FREE TODAY HERE. Whether you have seen loved ones lose their autonomy or physical freedom; Read more…

E294 – What Is Metabolic Health & Why Is It So Important? – Interview with Dr. Elie Jarrouge

Most people are familiar with the terms heart health, brain health, and maybe even joint health, but what about metabolic health? While not as well-known of a topic, metabolic health is a critical component of overall health, wellbeing, daily function, and even longevity. But what is metabolic health and why is it so important? On this week’s episode of the Exercise Is Health® podcast, Julie & Charlie are diving into these questions and more with Read more…

Guys – 4 Reasons Your Workouts Are Hurting You

Guys – let me be real for a second…feeling like your workouts are hurting you sucks. As a former college athlete, when the thing that used to make me feel superhuman started leaving me feeling debilitated, that was a huge cause for concern. Unfortunately, most guys make one of two choices when faced with this: 1. They either throw in the towel and decide that they are too old to keep working out, or 2. Read more…

Personal Training – Which Kind Is Right For You?

There are many types of personal training, and knowing which type is right for you is critical to making sure you reach your exercise and health goals safely and efficiently. At Muscle Activation Schaumburg, we have our specialties of personal training, but there are many other types that we don’t do, and for good reason. Which is right for you? Let’s dive in to see… New: Get Stronger From Home. Start Today For Free One-On-One Read more…

No Stretching Needed – How To Stay Flexible In Your 50s and Beyond

Staying flexible is an important part of feeling strong, fit, and healthy. However, as you get older, it often becomes more difficult to keep the same joint mobility you had in your teens and 20s. Between spending decades at a desk, commuting, sitting, and everything else that is involved in your modern lifestyle, having your joints and muscles move as freely and effortlessly as they once did can be a challenge. NEW: Get Stronger From Read more…

E293 – You’re Not Too Old To Get Stronger, But…

Does it feel like your body is too old to get stronger, more fit, or more mobile? A lot of times, as people get older, they start to develop the belief that because they are “past their prime”, they have lost their window of opportunity to build the strength and health they want. But, this could not be further from the truth! In fact, you can see improvements in your strength at ANY age; BUT, Read more…

How To Ensure Your Workouts Make You Healthier

Have you heard of the Five Stages of Fitness? If you want to have your workouts leave you healthier and feeling stronger, more energized, and more mobile while not bogging down your days or overwhelming your schedule, this is a concept you need to know about. NEW: Get Stronger From Home – Click Here To Start For Free Today Regardless if you are brand-new to exercising or you have been working out for decades, you Read more…

3 Ways MAT® Will Help Your Aching Joints Feel Better

Just the other week we had a client tell us, “I knew my muscles would be working better with MAT®, but I didn’t know this would be so helpful for my joints, too!” At Muscle Activation Schaumburg, this is something we hear often. Even though we are often told by doctors, therapists, and the media that joint symptoms are strictly joint problems, how your muscles are functioning has a direct influence over how your joints Read more…