E322 – Your Injuries Are Not From “Just Getting Old”

Get Started With Muscle Activation Techniques® To Keep Your Body Feeling Strong & Mobile: http://vagaro.com/muscleactivationschaumburg/services Is your body getting achier with each passing year? One of the most common stories people tell themselves is their aches and pains are because they’re “just getting old”. Maybe your back started tightening up in your 40s, or your knees started aching in your 50s, or your shoulders were constantly sore in your 60s… While the “just getting old” Read more…

How Do You Know If You Are Working Out Correctly For Your Body?

One of the most common questions we hear is, “How do I know I am working out correctly for my body?” If you’ve ever felt that way, we have the cheat code to help you answer it once and for all. First, let us start by saying that if you are part of the Exercise For Life Membership and using the four Exercise For Life Principles, you ARE doing the right things for your body Read more…

Ladies – Four Ways To Workout Consistently In Your 50s

Hey ladies! I know in your 50s you’re busy with work, family, and all the other responsibilities that come with this stage of life. It can be tough to find the time and motivation to exercise regularly, but I’m here to help you prioritize your health and fitness! In this post, I’ll give you four tips on how to fit consistent workouts into your busy schedule and make it a priority in your life. 1. Read more…

E321 – What Your Corrective Exercises Aren’t Correcting

Get Started With Muscle Activation Techniques® To Keep Your Body Feeling Strong & Mobile: http://vagaro.com/muscleactivationschaumburg/services Are you doing corrective exercises to try to improve your mobility or help with some aches and pains you have? There is something that you aren’t being told about these exercises that may not only be causing them to be ineffective, but may actually be making your issues worse. On this week’s episode of the Exercise Is Health® podcast, we Read more…

Basketball Players – Why you need better contracting muscles

Basketball Players–your muscles need to be contracting better. There’s no ifs, ands, or buts about it. Why?? Here’s a short list: – Your joints get to be healthier – Your joints (and their associated ligaments, discs, and cartilage) get to be safer and better protected from injury – Your joints get to move better Basically, if you want your joints to be healthy, you need your muscles contracting well. The better your muscles contract, the Read more…

Why The Shoes You Love Are Hurting Your Joints

A couple weeks back on the blog, we wrote about why your feet need to be flat. You can check the entire post here. This concept of your feet flattening is important to understand because your feet have multiple motions they have to perform when you walk. The back of your foot (rearfoot), the front of your foot (forefoot), and your toes all have to move in different ways in order for you to efficiently Read more…

E320 – 3 Little-Known Ways Your Muscles Keep You Healthy

Get Started With Muscle Activation Techniques® To Keep Your Muscles Feeling Loose & Strong: http://vagaro.com/muscleactivationschaumburg/services Muscles do more than keep you looking good and feeling strong. They are also key to your health and longevity! While most of the world thinks of aesthetics and athletic performance with muscles, there are some key functions your muscles play in making sure your body remains feeling great and operating at a high level for years to come. On Read more…

Is Doing Cardio Workouts Worth Your Time & Effort?

If you have ever listened to our podcast or watched any of our content on Instagram, you know we put a large emphasis on strength training. In fact, we talk about strength training so much that you may have wondered, “Does doing cardio even matter?” While the majority of content pieces, as well as most of the workouts and programs within the Exercise For Life Membership, are focused on strength training, this is NOT to Read more…

Osteoporosis – Do You Need To Lift To Build Stronger Bones?

Ladies–force is the number one thing that needs to be added into your life if you want to build stronger bones. Unfortunately, most women take force out of their life as they get older, which only serves to speed up the bone-loss process. On top of that, many women are hesitant to add higher-force activities into their life due to the fear of injury. Does this sound familiar to you at all? Fortunately, adding force Read more…

E319 – “Is Working Out Every Day When I’m In My 60s Too Much?”

Get Started With Muscle Activation Techniques® To Stay Feeling Loose & Strong: http://vagaro.com/muscleactivationschaumburg/services Is exercising every day when you are in your 60s too much? Are the potential positive benefits of working out being squandered because your body is being worked too often? Should you aim to workout fewer days each week in order to maximize your strength, mobility, and health? On this week’s episode of the Exercise Is Health® podcast, we are exploring these Read more…