Exercise Tips For The Post-Christmas Blues

Welcome back to this week’s edition of 2-Minute Tuesdays where we are talking about one exercise topic for two minutes and giving you three reasons why you should follow our advice. Now this week, we are talking about exercise tips to help you get over those post-Christmas blues. The parties are done. The food has been eaten. The lights now need to come down. But hey, there’s still New Years! How can you workout between now and New Years to help get over those post-Christmas blues?



MAT® Posts: 2016-2017

At Muscle Activation Schaumburg, one of our specialties is Muscle Activation Techniques® (MAT®).  However, we find that many people are unfamiliar with MAT®, so we started writing about it.  A lot.  Since 2016 we have written 35 blogs on the subject of MAT® and why it is important.  Check them all out below! 2016 Muscle Tutoring Your Check Engine Light Do You Have Weak Ankles? Injury Prevention: Checking In On Your Body Do You Have Read more…

Want to make the good list? These exercise tips can help.

Welcome back to this week’s edition of 2-Minute Tuesdays where we are talking about one exercise topic for two minutes and giving you three reasons why you should follow our advice.  Now this week, we are talking to those of you who are trying to make the good list.  Look, time is running out.  You have to get off the naughty list and onto Santa’s good list.  How can you work out to make sure you get on the good list?



3 Facts About Cardio That You Don’t Know

Welcome back to this week’s edition of 2-Minute Tuesdays where we are talking about one exercise topic for two minutes and giving you three reasons why you should follow our advice.  Now this week we are disclosing three things that you have never heard about cardio.  That cardio activity that you love to do? What has nobody ever told you about it? What are three things that you need to pay attention to?



3 Little-Known Facts About Resistance Training

Welcome back to this week’s edition of 2-Minute Tuesdays where we are talking about one exercise topic for two minutes and giving you three reasons why you should follow our advice.  Now this week we are telling you three things about resistance training that nobody ever talks about.  Three little-known facts that you need to know but have never heard before about strength training.


Joint Injuries and Your Internal Suspension System

Joint injuries and injuries to passive tissues such as ligaments and discs are ever-present in our society today.  Whether it is rupturing a meniscus or an ACL or herniating a disc, it seems as if both competitive athletes and weekend warriors alike are commonly plagued by injuries to the passive tissues of their body.  With these types of injuries only becoming more commonplace from high school athletes to middle-aged rec-leaguers, the question of, “What can be done to help prevent these types of injuries?” naturally comes up.  Fortunately, there is something that can be done, and the answer lies in the active tissues of the body – the skeletal muscles.


Shoveling snow? Make sure to stay safe with these exercise tips!

Welcome back to this week’s edition of 2-Minute Tuesdays where we are talking about one exercise topic for two minutes and giving you three reasons why you should follow our advice.  Now this week, we are putting out some content for those of you who have been assigned the chore of shoveling snow.  Winter is on its way.  You may have already had a blizzard or two.  But, if not, we have got to get you ready so you can shovel the snow with zero injury and maximum efficiency.



Mom, Retired IFBB Bikini Pro, Personal Trainer – Nicole Moneer – MAT® Testimonial

Check out this awesome MATRx® testimonial from retired IFBB Bikini Pro, NASM certified personal trainer, author, and mom Nicole Moneer!  Nicole describes her experience at Muscle Activation Schaumburg while going through the MATRx® process with Charlie.  She talks about the changes she has noticed in her hips and knees as well as how her body feels while she is working out.  Read about everything Nicole has to say about Muscle Activation Techniques® below!
