What Should You Focus On When Doing Triceps Extensions??

This month on Trainer Tip Tuesday we will be discussing tips and tricks for when you are doing triceps extensions. While this exercise can look relatively simple, there are some components you need to keep in mind to make sure you are doing this exercise correctly for your individual needs. Triceps extensions are one of the most common exercises for building the strength of and toning up the upper arm muscles. However, even though this Read more…

E256 – How To Easily Customize Your Workouts Without Knowing Anything About Exercise

Do you want to have a customized approach to your workouts but don’t have any idea how to get it asides from paying a trainer? There’s actually a simple system you can follow to get you 80% (or more) of the way there all on your own. And guess what… you don’t even have to know anything about exercise to make this system work for you! On this week’s episode of the Exercise Is Health® Read more…

How Fast Should You Move When Doing Triceps Extensions??

This month on Trainer Tip Tuesday we will be discussing tips and tricks for when you are doing triceps extensions. While this exercise can look relatively simple, there are some components you need to keep in mind to make sure you are doing this exercise correctly for your individual needs. Triceps extensions are one of the most common exercises for building the strength of and toning up the upper arm muscles. However, even though this Read more…

E255 – Exercising For Your Last Decade

What will your last decade of life look like? Will you be healthy, active, and strong? Will you be able to pick up your great-grandkids and have the stamina to tell stories while you go for long walks? Will you be able to travel and see the world with your spouse, unaffected by physical adversities that may creep into your day? So often with exercise the mainstream fitness industry tells us to focus on the Read more…

What Should Move When Doing Triceps Extensions??

This month on Trainer Tip Tuesday we will be discussing tips and tricks for when you are doing triceps extensions. While this exercise can look relatively simple, there are some components you need to keep in mind to make sure you are doing this exercise correctly for your individual needs. Triceps extensions are one of the most common exercises for building the strength of and toning up the upper arm muscles. However, even though this Read more…

E254 – How To Progress Your Cardio After You’ve Been Derailed

Have you ever been thrown off of your workout routine only to find that exercising does not feel as easy as it did once you try to start back up?? Whether it is an injury, illness, or just life in general getting in the way, most of us have times when we don’t exercise for a while. And, unfortunately, when we try to get back into it, we can find that our body is wanting Read more…

How Should Your Body Be Positioned When Doing Triceps Extensions??

This month on Trainer Tip Tuesday we will be discussing tips and tricks for when you are doing triceps extensions. While this exercise can look relatively simple, there are some components you need to keep in mind to make sure you are doing this exercise correctly for your individual needs. Triceps extensions are one of the most common exercises for building the strength of and toning up the upper arm muscles. However, even though this Read more…

E253 – How To Be Successful With Exercise

Do you struggle to be successful with your workouts?? Have you tried to exercise in the past but did not reach the goals you had set for yourself? Is the feeling of not being successful keeping you from exercising consistently?  If so, you are not alone, but this does not have to be your story any longer. In fact, on this week’s episode of the Exercise Is Health® podcast, Julie and Charlie lay out a Read more…

What Attachment Should You Use When Doing Triceps Extensions??

This month on Trainer Tip Tuesday we will be discussing tips and tricks for when you are doing triceps extensions. While this exercise can look relatively simple, there are some components you need to keep in mind to make sure you are doing this exercise correctly for your individual needs. Triceps extensions are one of the most common exercises for building the strength of and toning up the upper arm muscles. However, even though this Read more…

E252 – Is Your Diet Causing Inflammation?? – Interview with Dr. Carolyn Williams

Are the foods you are eating creating inflammation in your body?? Inflammation has been linked as a root issue to many chronic health conditions, such as heart disease, diabetes, and more, but is your diet making this worse? On this week’s episode of the Exercise Is Health® podcast, Julie and Charlie sit down with Dr. Carolyn Williams to discuss this idea of food, inflammation, the links between the two, and how what we are often Read more…