Guys – These 3 Workout Myths Are Keeping You Weak

Guys – you may have the best intentions with your health and fitness. You may exercise regularly. You may try to eat right. You may do your best to limit your stress and consistently get good sleep. However, if you are finding that your strength, fitness, and mobility are still not where you’d like them to be, there are likely some things you are doing that are holding you back. Unfortunately, most media outlets and Read more…

E292 – What To Do For Your Workouts When Your Hamstrings Are Always Tight

Are your hamstrings always tight? Tight hamstrings are one of the most common physical complaints in our modern society, and while it may seem like your hamstrings are destined to be tight because of your daily requirements, there are some extremely impactful things you can do for them, especially if you are wanting to exercise. On this week’s of the Exercise Is Health® podcast, Julie & Charlie are diving into what these exercise-specific tactics are Read more…

Stiff And Sore? One Muscle Motion May Be To Blame.

There is a specific motion that – when not working well – causes a lot of people a lot of problems. We’ve had clients give up BIG THINGS like their retirement golf dreams, gardening aspirations, walking and jogging goals, and more…. all over this one motion.   What is this motion?? One of the most predominant motions of your trunk, called trunk rotation. Our bodies use the motion of trunk rotation all the time. We use Read more…

The Two Most Effective Ways To Schedule Your Workouts

How do you make sure you get your workouts in consistently throughout the week? For over a decade now, we have seen that when people schedule their workouts, their consistency with them long-term increases significantly. But, did you know that there are two ways you can schedule your workouts to get this effect? The first is called Time Scheduling and it is what most people think of when they hear,“schedule your workouts”.  It is saying, Read more…

E291 – A Simple Plan To Get S.T.R.O.N.G.

Do you want to get stronger but aren’t sure of the exact steps to take to get results with out hurting yourself? Rebuilding your strength isn’t complicated; in fact, you just need to make sure to follow a few simple principles day in and day out. And good news, if any of your joints or muscles are talking to you saying, “We’re not as young as we used to be,” you don’t need to worry. Read more…

Ladies – The 2 Categories of Exercise You Need To Do

Ladies – one thing I hear from so many of you is how busy and active you are throughout your day. You are on your feet moving around the office, the house, the stores, with the kids… it’s like the idea of sitting all day being sedentary is a completely foreign concept. So I get that it already feels like you are exercising all day long. But should this be the only thing you do Read more…

Injury Prevention – The Hidden Key To Staying Strong

Joint injuries and injuries to passive tissues such as ligaments and discs are ever-present in our society today. Whether it is rupturing a meniscus or an ACL or herniating a disc, it seems as if both competitive athletes and weekend warriors alike are commonly plagued by injuries to the passive tissues of their body. With these types of injuries only becoming more commonplace from high school athletes to middle-aged rec-leaguers, the question of, “What can Read more…

E290 – What To Do When Walking Isn’t Working For Your Body

Have you heard that walking is the best form of exercise? While we adamantly disagree with this statement, we do acknowledge that walking can provide a number of health benefits. But what if walking just isn’t working for your body? What if every time you try to walk, your body feels worse? Your feet hurt… your knees hurt… your hips hurt… your back hurts… you just feel lousy… what do you do then?? Should you Read more…