• Charlie Cates
  • Muscle Activation Techniques®

Do You Have Weak Ankles?

When I was 14 I rolled both of my ankles within a couple weeks of eachother.  "You must have weak… Read More

  • Charlie Cates

Squatting For Bigger Arms? Think Again.

"Why are we squatting?  I want bigger arms." "Well, if you do heavy lifts for your legs, you will produce… Read More

  • Charlie Cates
  • Muscle Activation Techniques®

Your Check Engine Light

As a personal trainer and MAT™ Specialist in Schaumburg, I am often telling people that they need to get their… Read More

  • Charlie Cates

One Exercise Tip To Rule Them All

As a personal trainer in Schaumburg, if there was one exercise tip I would want everybody to know, it is… Read More

  • Charlie Cates
  • Exercise For Life
  • Julie Cates

Six Tips for a “Six-essful” Life of Exercise

Looking for tips to help make exercise part of your daily routine?  As personal trainers in Schaumburg, Charlie and Julie… Read More

  • Charlie Cates

Why You Should Stop Counting Reps

One of the biggest exercise myths is that a designated number of repetitions need to be performed in order to… Read More

  • Muscle Activation Schaumburg

Personal Training & MAT™ In Schaumburg

At Muscle Activation Schaumburg, we believe in helping our clients exercise for life.  We do this through one-on-one personal training… Read More

  • Charlie Cates

Muscle-Building Tips – Perform As Many Reps As You Can

In my last post on the four exercise necessities for building muscle, the first point I brought was that when… Read More

  • Julie Cates
  • Muscle Activation Schaumburg

Fitness – We Have Been Taught To Focus On The Wrong Thing

As a personal trainer in Schaumburg, I am seeing that the fitness field today is all about what’s HOT, NEW,… Read More

  • Charlie Cates
  • Muscle Activation Schaumburg

Building Muscle: Four Exercise Necessities

As a personal trainer in Schaumburg, I see a number of papers, books, and articles written on building muscle.  In… Read More