• Charlie Cates

Healthy Feet (Part Two): Three At-Home Exercises to Help Strengthen Your Feet

In last week’s post, I discussed why your feet need to move.  To recap, your feet are made up of… Read More

  • Charlie Cates
  • Muscle Activation Techniques®

Healthy Feet (Part One): Why Your Feet NEED To Move

As a certified personal trainer and Muscle Activation Techniques™ specialist in Schaumburg, I understand the importance of having healthy feet.… Read More

  • Charlie Cates
  • Muscle Activation Schaumburg
  • Muscle Activation Techniques®
  • Testimonials

Testimonial: Leo Perez – BJJ Black Belt

Leo Perez, a Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu black belt and competitor for Alliance Jiu-Jitsu and Evolution MMA in Schaumburg, IL, talks about his experience… Read More

  • Charlie Cates

Organic Exercise

You likely understand that in order for your body to work as well as it can, you should not be… Read More

  • Charlie Cates

5 Exercise Tips If Your Back Tightens Up In The Car

One of the top physical complaints I hear from prospective clients is that their back tightens up when they drive… Read More

  • Charlie Cates
  • Community Talks
  • Exercise For Life
  • Julie Cates
  • Muscle Activation Schaumburg

5 Ways To Change Up Your Workout So You Don’t Get Bored

Bored with exercise?  Finding that your current workout plan is a drag?  Interested in learning new ways to change up… Read More

  • Charlie Cates
  • Muscle Activation Techniques®

Running With Tight Calves? Your Core May Be To Blame.

Since about 2011, I have had foot and lower leg issues when I would go for a run.  Everything would… Read More

  • Charlie Cates
  • Muscle Activation Schaumburg
  • Muscle Activation Techniques®

Have Tight Hamstrings? Read This.

This past week, I worked with a client who described her hamstrings as “being on fire”.  She is young, fit,… Read More

  • Julie Cates
  • Muscle Activation Schaumburg

Do You Know The Difference Between A Butcher And A Dietician?

I am a personal trainer in Schaumburg, Illinois.  My career is to help individuals make optimal decisions about their exercise… Read More

  • Charlie Cates
  • Exercise For Life
  • Muscle Activation Schaumburg

Your “Exercise GPS” in Schaumburg

What is the goal of your exercise?  Why do you choose to exercise as you do?  Are you trying to… Read More