Did you know your body has a check engine light like your car?
In fact, it has multiple check engine lights, but some of the most prominent ones are feelings of muscle tightness and joint achiness.
Unfortunately, how many people choose to address these check engine lights often takes care of the light, but does little for the reason why the light is on in the first place.
Think about it like this–if the check engine light of your car comes on, what do you do?
Do you cover it up with tape so you don’t see it shining on the dashboard?
Do you decide not to drive your car at all in hopes that it will magically go away on its own?
Do you take your thumbs and push into the light until the dashboard cracks and the light breaks?
Do you get more aggressive and take a hammer and hit your dashboard repeatedly until the light stops shining?
Obviously, the answer to all of these questions is NO. Those solutions don’t make any sense. In fact, you might consider those options to be completely ridiculous and something you’d never do.
And yet, you likely do those things with your body when your body’s check engine light is on…
The last time you had tight muscles, what did you do?
Did you try to get something to rub the tightness away? Or repeatedly push on the tightness more aggressively hoping that would do the trick?
What about when your joints were achy? Did you take some time off from your activities in hopes that they would get better on their own? Or maybe you went to PT and they put some tape on you…
Here’s the thing–none of the traditional remedies for addressing these check engine lights of your body actually work long-term because they aren’t addressing the underlying issue.
What is the underlying issue?
For over 13 years, we have seen time and again that the underlying issue most people are experiencing that is leading to their check engine light being on is muscle inhibition.
Muscle inhibition is when your muscles stop contracting as well as they should. Once your muscles stop functioning well, your body has to find other ways to get the job done and starts to compensate, using less efficient muscles to help out.
In the short term, this is a great solution. Over the long term, though, many issues can arise, not the least of which is the metaphorical check engine light of your body can turn on.
Try as you might to stretch, massage, roll, release, or lengthen muscles, tendons, ligaments, fascia, or nerves, that check engine light will stay turned on until the muscle inhibition is addressed.
So the question is, what can address the muscles inhibition and help clear everything up?
That is where Muscle Activation Techniques® comes into play.
MAT® is a systematic process to identify areas of muscle inhibition and address those muscles directly, helping to strengthen them and get them functioning better.
As a result, all of the associated symptoms of the muscle inhibition can calm down and go away, allowing the check engine light to shut off and your body to feel and function better.
Not only that, but your body becomes more resilient to the check engine light coming back on again at a later time.
At Muscle Activation Schaumburg, we have over 25 years of collective experience practicing Muscle Activation Techniques® in Schaumburg and throughout the Chicagoland area. We have had the distinct pleasure of helping people from all walks of life and ability levels address their muscle inhibition and dim their body’s check engine light.
We have been trained in the highest levels of MAT®–including MATRx, MATRx Stim, and MAT® Athlete–and are the most highly-trained practitioners in the Chicagoland area.
If you are interested in getting your muscles assessed and your body’s check engine light turned off with Muscle Activation Techniques®, we’d love to see you on our MAT® table. Just click here to get started with your initial MAT® consultation and assessment.
We can’t wait to see you soon!
In strength and health,
Julie & Charlie