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Are your hamstrings tight?
Tight hamstrings are one of the most common complaints we hear about from prospective clients, and while there are many options out there to help loosen the hamstrings, most ways of resolving the tightness only create short-term changes.
So what can you do about this? Are you destined to have to constantly stretch and roll your hamstrings out for the rest of forever? Or is there a more effective way to address the hamstring tightness that can actually create changes that are long lasting?
On this week’s episode of the Exercise Is Health® podcast, that is exactly what we are exploring.
We are diving into a simple process you can follow to not only help your hamstrings feel looser, but make sure your body is stronger and functions better overall.
Check out all the details in this week’s episode!
Ready to schedule your first Muscle Activation Techniques® session with us? Click here to get started: http://vagaro.com/muscleactivationschaumburg/services
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