How do you keep yourself moving throughout the day?
Here are three ideas to make it easier:
1. Start Early – Starting your day off with a workout can set the tone for the rest of your day. It can be as simple as getting outside for a ten-minute walk in the morning sunlight or hopping on a workout within the Exercise For Life Membership. Don’t overcomplicate this. If you make it a priority to do some kind of activity within the first couple hours of waking up, it will soon become a habit that propels you into consistently feeling strong and energized all day long.
2. Move Often – Set your phone alarm to go off every 45 to 60 minutes, reminding you to stand up and move for a few minutes. This simple act can help you be intentional about your activity throughout your day, and soon it will become part of what you do every day.
3. Stack Your Exercise – As much as we promote the idea of being super mindful when you exercise, having other activities that you stack onto your workouts can keep you looking forward to them. For example, listening to podcasts or music while you walk, FaceTiming with a friend while you are on the elliptical, or even throwing on a Netflix show while you are on your stationary bike can all be ways to keep you coming back to those activities.
When you are doing your strength training like we do in the Exercise For Life Membership, make sure you are really paying attention to how you are doing each exercise; but with lower-intensity and relatively lower-skilled activities, having somebody to talk to or something to listen to or watch can help you make sure you are moving consistently throughout your day and week.
Give these a shot this week and let us know how they go!
Here’s to health,
Julie & Charlie