With school back in session and fall activities in full swing, it can feel like whatever peace you were left with at the end of summer has officially left for good, and with it all the opportunities you had to exercise regularly.
However, it is absolutely critical that you get into a good workout routine right now, because soon the holidays will be here, and once November rolls around, it is pretty much just a blink until we are in January and you realize it has been months since you last worked out.
So if you are feeling overwhelmed with the transition into fall and not sure how you will get back on the proverbial horse with your workouts, here are three steps you can follow that will make all the difference for you.
1. Set reminders in your phone to go off three times a day telling you to stand up and walk for five to ten minutes. These little movement breaks not only are good at keeping you consistent with your movement, they are also REALLY good for your health. In fact, walking for at least 10 minutes at least three times a day is one of the most important things you can do to ward off insulin resistance!
2. Start the habit of going for a 20-minute walk in the morning before breakfast or in the evening after dinner. Starting or ending your day with physical activity will frame it in your mind as something you always do. Doing it first thing in the morning will set your intention right away that you are somebody who gets their activity in every day; while doing it at night reinforces the belief that no matter what happens during the day, you will still take the time to get some activity in. Both of these are crucial for helping you to exercise consistently long-term!
3. Try out a new program in the Exercise For Life Membership. The five biggest reasons why people don’t exercise are 1. Not enough time; 2. Not knowing what to do; 3. Exercise not feeling good for their body; 4. Not having access to equipment; 5. Not wanting to feel sore after they workout. Fortunately, the Exercise For Life Membership takes care of every single one of those reasons for you.
1. The workouts last less than 25 minutes; 2. We walk you through exactly what to do during every exercise; 3. We teach you how to exercise correctly for YOUR body; 4. Everything that we use can be found around your house; 5. Our four Exercise For Life Principles used in every workout ensure that you don’t feel achy or sore after your workout.
And, if there is still some resistance because of price, you can start today for FREE and pay $0 for the next two weeks.

Once you are in, if you are looking for a specific program to try, consider giving the Full Motion, Full Strength, Full Function program; the Better With Bands program; or the Pre-Holiday HIIT program a shot. You will love them.
Remember, your workouts don’t need to feel like a burden on your schedule. They can be the thing that amplifies everything that is already on your schedule, helping you to fully enjoy all of the activities you are looking forward to.
Use these three tips to get back into the swing of working out regularly again and build your workout momentum through the rest of September and into October.
You got this!!
Here’s to health,
Julie & Charlie