Most people are familiar with the terms heart health, brain health, and maybe even joint health, but what about metabolic health?
While not as well-known of a topic, metabolic health is a critical component of overall health, wellbeing, daily function, and even longevity.
But what is metabolic health and why is it so important?
On this week’s episode of the Exercise Is Health® podcast, Julie & Charlie are diving into these questions and more with Dr. Elie Jarrouge of MetabolicHealthMD.com.
Dr. Jarrouge is a world-renowned expert on the topic of metabolic health, and he breaks down exactly what it is, why you need to be concerned about it, and what you can do to improve yours.
Check out all of the details in this week’s episode!
Want to connect with Dr. Jarrouge? Find him using the links below!
His Website >> MetabolicHealthMD.com
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– Exercise For Life Studios: @exerciseforlifestudios
– Julie Cates: @julcates
– Charlie Cates: @charliecates
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