Do you know what one of the biggest roadblocks to taking action is?
Believe it or not, it is having TOO many options.
See, when you only have one option, there’s no decision to be made about whether you are going to do it — it’s literally your only choice!
But as soon as more and more options get thrown in, now there is an opportunity to analyze, weigh the pros and cons, and continue to stall taking your first step until you figure out what the “best” option is for you.
Now, there are certainly instances when taking your time with a decision is the right choice…
but sometimes we approach situations that should be relatively quick and easy decisions with the same mindset that we do in major stakes decisions simply because we want to keep kicking the can down the road and avoid making a decision right now.
You might be wondering, “Okay, but where is this going and what does this have to do with my workouts??”
Well, one of the biggest things that stops people from exercising is having TOO many options of what to do for their workouts.
Will you go for a run?
Hop on the cycle bike?
Do a barre class?
Strength training?
Or maybe get outside for a walk?
When you know you need to exercise but are overwhelmed with all of the things you could do, it can cripple your ability to exercise at all.
To combat this, we recommend a very straightforward approach:
- Strength training a minimum of three days a week utilizing our four Exercise For Life Principles.
- General movement throughout the day every single day.
- Two or three heavier cardio sessions a week, if desired.
When you follow this game plan, not only will you continuously build your strength, your mobility, your fitness, and your function; you will also be setting your muscles, joints, heart, blood vessels, and brain up to be as healthy as possible while combating many of the chronic diseases and conditions that plague so many people today.
So how do you go about making sure you are able to stick to this type of plan and not get distracted by all of the other workout options… or distracted by life in general?
Well, within the Exercise For Life Membership we release a brand new Exercise For Life Track every single month, which lays out exactly what you should be doing for your workouts.
The Exercise For Life Track completely takes the guesswork out of what kind of workout you should do today. It helps to make sure yesterday’s workout matches up well with tomorrow’s workout so you don’t overwork certain areas of your body and keeps you feeling fresh, strong, and energized.
See, there are a TON of workout options for you to choose from out in the world of fitness.
So if you are looking at all of these options and are feeling like, “Wow, this is great but I have NO idea where to do start…” we want to help you with that.
This is exactly why we have created the Exercise For Life Track.
You don’t have to be confused about what you need to do for your workouts. You don’t have to feel overwhelmed with the number of workout options out there, ultimately prohibiting you from exercising at all.
You can approach every single day with a crystal clear idea of what you need to do for your workouts to feel strong, feel energized, and feel healthy.
The Exercise For Life Track will help you do just that.
Click here to join us in the Exercise For Life Membership and get started now!
Julie & Charlie