Guys – there’s no denying it… as we get older our body stops moving as well as it once did.
Our joints get stiffer. Our muscles feel tighter. And the youthful spring we once had in our step every day seems like it is gone for good.
Even if we look at the guys in their 20s and think, “I could keep up with them,” deep down we know it would be a lot more difficult than it was back then. And let’s be honest, we’d probably be out of commission for a while after, too.
But here’s the thing – even though this is the reality that many guys face every day, this does not have to be your reality.
In fact, there are some simple steps you can take to not only help your body move better, but actually feel younger, stronger, and more energized, too. It will be like you punched Father Time right in the mouth and watched him stagger backwards as you step into the superhuman version of yourself you know lives within you.
So what can you do to stop feeling like crap and start getting back to feeling like Superman?
The first thing is you need to move consistently throughout your day. Too many guys spend too much time sitting on their ass because their boss tells them to or because they say their work requires it. Even if you are stuck at your desk all day, you need to make it a point to stand up and move.
Set your phone timer to go off every 30 to 60 minutes to remind you to get up and move around. Then take five to 10 minutes to get some movement in. Nothing strenuous. Nothing where you feel like you are really exerting yourself. But just stand up, move, and then get back to work.
Start doing this consistently throughout your day and within a week you will notice a significant change in how your body is moving and feeling.
The second thing is to start lifting weights at least three days a week. If you are already lifting weights, awesome, but I need you to be mindful of one big thing when you do – your range of motion.
A lot of times guys believe they need to use as much range of motion as possible to have the exercise be as effective as possible. While you do want to use your full range of motion, there are a couple of caveats to this.
The first is you are using YOUR full range of motion. Not the amount of motion your workout buddy is using or the amount the influencer on Instagram is using. The key is to make sure you are not exceeding what your body says is appropriate from a motion perspective, because if you do, you will cause your body to tighten up more.
Second, you need to make sure the range of motion you are using is symptom-free. This means no clicking, no popping, no cracking, no pain, no discomfort, and no stretch sensation.
Yes, you read that correctly. You do not want to feel a stretching sensation in your muscles when you are exercising. This is a sign that you are exceeding the amount of motion that is appropriate for your body at that time.
What you do want to feel, however, is muscle contraction and muscle fatigue. You should feel your muscles squeezing. You should feel your muscles working. You should feel your muscles getting tired. But you should NOT feel anything going on with your joints, your nerves, or any kind of stretch sensation in your muscles.
Finally, you need to start seeing your local MAT® practitioner on a regular basis, at least once a month, but preferably every week to every other week.
Look, you are not as young as you used to be. Your body has more miles on it now than it ever has before. And throughout all of those miles, your body has compiled some injuries, issues, and compensations. If you do not get those addressed right now and continue to try to work your body without (Re)Building your body, you are setting yourself for far more serious injuries and issues.
So, schedule with the MAT® practitioner in your area. If you’d like to learn more about MAT®, you can download the 20-page report I put together on it here.
And if you are in the Chicago area, including downtown Chicago and the Chicago suburbs, and would like to schedule a session with me, you can book yourself in my schedule here.
At the end of the day fellas, your body has all the capabilities in the world to operate like Superman every single day. But, you need to be smart about how you train your body in order to unleash those capabilities.
Stop sitting all day. Get up and move consistently.
Start lifting weights in a way that is respectful to your muscles and joints.
And hire a trained professional to keep your body operating at a high level day in and day out.
10 years from now you are going to feel like a completely different man than you do right now. You are either going to feel like a shell of your former self, or you are going to feel like the alpha you know you are. Your actions today will determine which path you take, so start implementing the steps above to head the direction you know you want to go.
One last thing – if you’re needing help implementing these tips, especially when it comes to lifting weights, I invite you to join our Exercise For Life Membership. I will show you exactly what you need to do to get stronger from home in as little as 20 minutes, even if your joints are aching and your muscles are tight.
You can get started for free today and pay $0 for the next two weeks by clicking here to sign up.