Stress management and reduction are big topics these days, whether it is in the office, at home, or just for overall health and wellbeing.
But most ways of reducing stress are additive to what is likely an already jam-packed schedule; in other words, many of the recommendations are along the lines of, “Add in meditation,” “Start journaling,” or “Do some deep breathing exercises.”
While these methods certainly can be effective, is there something you can do within your life that doesn’t add more onto your plate but still allows you to reduce your stress?
On this week’s episode of the Exercise Is Health® podcast, Julie and Charlie are sitting down with Dr. Tâmara Castelo to discuss this very topic.
Tâmara has a unique approach to how she helps her patients reduce their stress, and she shares everything you need to know about it in this exclusive interview.
Check out all of the details in this week’s episode!
Want to connect with Tâmara directly?
Check out her website here: https://tamara-castelo.com
Dr. Tâmara Castelo on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tamara__castelo/
Dr. Tâmara Castelo on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/dratamaracastelo
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