Are you focused on getting results with your workouts? Whether it is losing weight, increasing your strength, improving your mobility, or boosting your health overall, the results are often the thing that gets us started with exercise.
However, prioritizing your results may actually be getting you worse results, especially if you are thinking about results in the ways the mainstream fitness industry promotes.
So if prioritizing your results is actually sabotaging your efforts, what should you be prioritizing instead?
On this week’s episode of the Exercise Is Health® podcast, that is exactly what Julie and Charlie are discussing. They break down a simple plan to keep your focus and priorities where they need to be when you workout to set you up for the best chance of success long-term.
Capped off with clear, actionable steps of how you can put this information to use, this episode is a must-listen if you want more than just a flash-in-the-pan plan for your health and fitness.
Check out all of the details in this week’s episode!
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This exclusive program will have all of your home workout needs met with strength training workouts, cardio workouts, mobility workshops, and more!
Just head to http://www.exerciseforlifestudios.com/membership to get started!