One question we get all the time is, “Am I doing the right core exercises?”
It’s a great question with a straightforward answer.
Consider working to strengthen all four motions of the core when exercising specifically for health goals.
- “Forward” – This is also known as trunk flexion. The motion looks like you are going into and out of a slouchy spine position. An example of this would be a crunch exercise.
- “Back” – This is also known as trunk extension. The motion looks like you are going into and out of an arched spine. An example of this would be a “superman” exercise.
- “Side to Side” – This is also known as trunk side bend. The motion looks like you are going into and out of a side bend. An example of this is a standing side bend with a weight or dumbbell.
- “Rotation” – This is also known as trunk rotation. The motion looks like a twist in the core area. An example of this is a standing twist with a band or cable.
Exercise For Life is about using exercise to live the life you want. Keep these tips in mind when building your core strength.