Low back pain is one of the most prevalent health issues Americans face. Unfortunatley, many of the mainstream solutions either require surgical intervention, pharmaceutical intervention, or are just plain ineffective. However, there is a better way to address low back pain.
On this week’s episode of the Exercise Is Health® podcast, Julie and Charlie sit down with Dr. Ankur Dave to discuss the use of technology in helping to address low back pain.
They dive into an exciting app that is changing the landscape of what is possible from a pain management perspective, called Pain Navigator, and how general lifestyle interventions are often some of the most effective means by which to address low back pain.
Check out the details in this week’s episode, and be sure to get your FREE access to the Pain Navigator app by going to PainNavigator.io. Be sure to use the access code Welcome21 when you register!
Dr. Dave and his team will even pay you $80 when you complete the training!
Want to connect with Dr. Dave for an in-person appointment? Call his office at 847-981-3630.
Interested in learning more about wholistic health options for your low back pain? Visit NavigateMyPain.com!
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