This month on Trainer Tip Tuesday we will be discussing considerations when you are using the hip abduction machine. The hip abduction machine can be one of the most effective ways to improve the strength and mobility of your hips, but only if you are using the machine correctly.
One thing that is rarely considered when doing hip abduction is what your mind should be focused on. Too often the idea of moving the weight is the predominating thought in people’s heads with this exercise, but this could be costing you significant results and increasing your risk for injury.
Instead, we recommend putting your mind somewhere else while you do this exercise, which will not only help you build muscle better but reduce the risk of hurting yourself, as well.
Check out all of the details in this week’s episode of Trainer Tip Tuesdayhttps://youtu.be/kcq3cNGLd-g, and be sure to tune back in next week as we discuss considerations with another exercise.