This month on Trainer Tip Tuesday we will be discussing considerations when you are doing side bends on an incline bench. The side bend exercise targets your core muscles in one of their four primary functions, so if you aren’t doing some variation of this exercise, you are leaving your core vulnerable to be weak and your low back vulnerable to injury. This week we will be focusing on how your arm position can influence how challenging this exercise is for your core muscles.
Most people do not consider how they are positioning their arms when doing this exercise. Many others just rely on the default position of their arms by their sides or hanging down. However, by changing where your arms are, you can increase the challenge to your core without having to increase the amount of weight you are using.
Not only can understanding this help you be more strategic with your exercise decisions, it can also help this exercise be more effective, as well.
Check out all of the details in this week’s episode of Trainer Tip Tuesday, and be sure to tune back in next week as we discuss more considerations when doing side bends on an incline bench.