Welcome back to this week’s edition of 2-Minute Tuesdays where we are talking about one exercise topic for two minutes and giving you three reasons why you should follow our advice. Now this week, we are talking to those of you who are against using exercise machines when you workout. We want to plead the case that you need to be using machines when you exercise. Here’s why.
1) Machines Can Provide A Stimulus In Different Directions
Reason Number One Why You Need To Use Machines When You Workout: Machines provide force and stimulus in different directions. Whenever you workout and do just bodyweight exercises or free weight exercises (such as using dumbbells or barbells), the direction of force you are moving against is always down – because we live in a gravity field. This is why if you drop a weight, it will always go down. However, machines can provide a new opportunity to challenge and improve your body because the direction of force can go in all different directions depending on which machine you are using.
Action Step: Want to learn how to start using machines to improve your body? Check out our free 5-Minute Mobility Check to evaluate your body and figure out what exercises might be right for you!
Related: Why The Best Trainers Use Machines
2) Machines Allow For Greater Specificity
Reason Number Two Why You Need To Use Machines When You Workout: Machines will allow for a greater specificity of stimulus to the tissues you are trying to target. The results you get from exercise are largely dependent on how specifically you are able to stimulate the intended tissues. Because machines allow for the opportunity to be uber-specific with the tissues you are using, you can get far-better results utilizing machines when you are trying to stimulate muscles.
Action Step: Check out Julie’s eBook to learn some cues to use while you are working out on machines that will take your results to the next level!
Related: The Three Most Common Bad Exercise Habits I See
3) Machines Can Help You Workout If Your Body Is Less Than Optimal
Reason Number Three Why You Need To Use Machines When You Workout: Machines are fabulous when you have something less than optimal going on in your body. Examples of something less than optimal would be an achy or irritated joint or muscle or a chronic health condition you have been dealing with. What machines allow you to do is create specificity that helps you to protect your body by doing things such as starting and stopping at different places, activating certain muscles but not others, and utilizing support and restraint to create a better exercise experience.
Action Step: Looking for a way to use machines in your workouts with the kind of guidance we give our clients here at MAS? Check out our Virtual Membership Program!