Muscle Activation Techniques®

Mom, Retired IFBB Bikini Pro, Personal Trainer – Nicole Moneer – MAT® Testimonial

Check out this awesome MATRx® testimonial from retired IFBB Bikini Pro, NASM certified personal trainer, author, and mom Nicole Moneer!  Nicole describes her experience at Muscle Activation Schaumburg while going through the MATRx® process with Charlie.  She talks about the changes she has noticed in her hips and knees as well as how her body feels while she is working out.  Read about everything Nicole has to say about Muscle Activation Techniques® below!

“I am Nicole Moneer. I am a NASM certified personal trainer.  A long time ago I wanted to get certified in MAT® [Muscle Activation Techniques®].  I always wondered what it was about and hear nothing but good things about it.  When Charlie and the Schaumburg location [Muscle Activation Schaumburg] contacted me regarding these treatments, I was all for it.

“I was like, ‘Okay, am I really going to notice anything?’.  And so, just like being a trainer, a lot of clients will come in and think like ‘one hour’ or ‘a couple sessions’ will get them the results that they want, and I can totally relate because that is not the case.  My clients are not successful just because of one session.  It’s from several sessions.

“So, with this [MATRx®], during the six sessions I didn’t really start to notice a difference in how I felt or how I moved until about the fourth or fifth session.  What I noticed coming in here is that, at age 45, I am able to do pretty much everything.  I’ve never broken any bones or anything like that, but I do have aches and pains and tightness and stuff like that.  Foam rolling helps and I teach pilates and yoga and all that helps, and corrective [exercises] and strength training.  But this [MATRx®] I feel has really helped more long term, whereas when I am doing pilates, yoga, and foam rolling I get relief for that day or those couple days and then I start to do the same patterns I’ve done before and then I feel that tightness again.

“With this [MATRx®], since it does help in strengthening and waking up those muscles that are asleep, I notice that I don’t have clicking in my groin and my hip flexor area.  I’ve also had a clicking or tightness in my hamstring around my left knee.  That has been since my pregnancy.  I have noticed that is pretty much reduced as well.  I really feel stronger and balanced when I am working out.

“I would definitely recommend this [MATRx®] to anybody, including my clients, which I know I have several who are interested.  When people [clients] work with me, there is usually a tribe of people that I work with too, so I know a lot of people respect and value who I work with and my opinion and my recommendations.  So, with that said, a couple of my clients are already interested in coming here because of the results I have shared with them and with what they have going on as well.  I highly recommend MAT® and Charlie and I am grateful for the experience.”

Make sure to follow Nicole Moneer on Facebook and Instagram to stay up to date with everything she is doing!

Charlie Cates

Charlie Cates is the leading consultant to high-level professional, college, & high school basketball players in the Chicagoland area for injury prevention, recovery, & muscle performance. As a certified Muscle Activation Techniques® MATRx practitioner & former college basketball player, he uses his personal experience & understanding of the game & player demands to create customized exercise options for his clients to recover faster & perform their best. He is certified in the highest levels of MAT®, including MATRx, MATRx Stim, and MAT® Athlete. Follow him on Instagram @CharlieCates!

Published by
Charlie Cates